This is a simple and effective recipe for huge military strength soap bubbles. Only guar gum and supermarket items required.
After one failed attempt with wallpaper glue as a polymer and doing some more research I found the Soap bubble wiki. A bunch of absolute bubble blowing nerds have gathered all the information on the topic including recipes using various substances. This is just my condensed version the quickest mix using the guar gum detergent slurry method.
Into a big bowl or bucket that can hold 10 liters+ add
- 15g guar gum (“Guarkernmehl”)
- 30g baking powder
using a fork/whisk, stir in first a little than increasing amounts of
- 450ml Fairy ultra or other detergent
gently stir in first a few drops then increasing amounts of
- 10l water (use distilled w. if your tap water is very hard)