Abundant hot water in the shepherds wasteland left neglected!
Once again, it breaks my heart to see such precious natural resource go to waste. Here lay the remnants of a forgotten spa. Of course properly gender segregated, as the Greek gods demand with two domed pool buildings one for each man and woman.
At the source the water bubbles up …
… at 65°C or more. The thermal camera can’t always get a accurate reading due to steam.
From here the thermal water forms a algae green and rust red steam …
… which looks also cool in the infrared spectrum!
the water the goes by the the first (male?) pool building
which looks from the inside like it could be restored with a little dedication.
from the outside decay is more obvious. The annexing corridor building houses dressing rooms and toilets. Roof seemed in good condition.
After the bridge there is a second domed pool (female?) with annex.
the same pool (female?), inside filled with some stale cold water.
going further downstream there are one million sheep surrounding left and right of the water.
about 100m further, the water in the stream get below 40°C. And while turtles love it only the most dedicated human dipper would bathe here amonst the shrubs.
The shortfilm LOUTRON by Barbara Meter is filmed at the Agios Giannis hot spring of Lisvori. Back in 2009 this seemed to have been a serene place indeed. Well done!